First Saturday Devotion to The Immaculate Heart of Mary

Immaculate Heart of Mary


To dedicate Saturday in honour of Mary is an ancient custom.

When & Where

Date & Time

Sat, Nov 5 2022
9:00 am
– 12:00 pm


Holy Cross Priory

About this event

Saturday devotion to Mary took on a special form since the apparition of Our Lady in Fatima, 1917. It was there, she drew the attention of the whole world to the devotion of First Five Saturdays. What is the object of this devotion? How to do it? What are the benefits for those who are performing it and lastly what is the spirit Our Lady demands of us in performing these devotion? Fr. Patrick Abbet presents the solution in a simple Catechetical format (Taken with permission from Ite Missa est, May – June 2020, Pp. 14-19)


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