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Support Us
Going therefore, teach ye all nations: baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.
Matthew 28:19

Support Us With Your Prayers
You can offer every day a decade of your daily Rosary for Jesus Christ to be known, loved and served all around the world, and especially in Africa. Pray for the missionary priests and for the souls they take care of in their ministry.
Say the Rosary with your family. God blesses abundantly a family who gathers together in His honour and listens to the children’s prayer.
Support Us With an Alms-Giving
You can be of great help to the mission in Kenya with a donation. Even with a modest alms-giving, you contribute to Jesus Christ’s reign in Kenya.
The missionary priests, brothers and sisters pray for you too and for all their benefactors. The blessed Rosary is said daily in the Chapel in Nairobi. Every first Saturday of the month, the Holy Mass is celebrated for all your intentions. Every Thursday, the pupils of Holy Cross Academy attend Holy Mass praying for their benefactors.
Donate through any of the options outlined below:

- Send a cheque payable to Society of Saint Pius X (Kenya) to P.O. Box 25096 – 00603 Lavington, Nairobi
- Order a bank transfer to account name: Society of Saint Pius X (Kenya)
- KCB Bank, Lavington Branch, Account No 1178128725
- Equity Bank, Lavington Supreme Branch, Account No 1410272076701
- Donate with M-PESA:
Lipa na M-PESA » Buy Goods and Services
Till no: 549072
By cheque payable to Society of Saint Pius X sent to:
SSPX African Missions, New Regina Coeli House,
11485 North Farley Road,
USA – Platte City MO 64079, USA
Tax receipt sent on request for US residentsYou can request in the memo section that the funds would be used to assist the SSPX in Kenya. Your request will be honoured, though it is not an absolute condition to the Trustees, who keep complete discretion & control of tax-deductible donations.
- Donate directly to Kenya and get in touch with us – No tax receipt issued.
- Donate via Paypal
- By bank transfer:
Account holder: Association FSPX-Afrique, 11 rue Cluseret, 92280 Suresnes Cedex.
Bank name: Société Générale.
IBAN: FR76 3000 3008 1400 0372 6226 443
BIC / SWIFT: SOGEFRPPPlease send the transfer details to: [email protected] and mention for SSPX Kenya
- To make a donation with tax receipt in France, use the following link (Pour faire un don avec reçu fiscal en France, utilisez le lien suivant):
- Donate via Paypal
- By cheque payable to: “Society of Saint Pius X” sent to:
SSPX African Missions, St George’s House
125 Arthur Road,
GB – Wimbledon Park SW19 7DR, Great BritainAlways mention: for SSPX Kenya
- Donate via Paypal
- By cheque payable to: “Society of Saint Pius X” sent to:
SSPX African Missions
280 West Botany St.
AUS – Rockdale NSW 2216, Australia.
Always mention: for SSPX Kenya - Donate via Paypal
By bank transfer:
Account holder: PASEC, Priesterbruderschaft St. Pius X, 6313 Menzingen
Bank name: Zuger Kantonalbank
Bank account number: n° 78.546.676.467.9
IBAN: CH10 0078 7785 4667 6467 9
Always mention: for SSPX Kenya
Please contact:
SSPX District of Africa,
P.O. Box 14881,
ZA – Bredell 1623, South Africa
[email protected]
Always mention: for SSPX Kenya