Holy Cross Catholic Church

The Latin Mass


What is the TLM ?

For centuries, prior to 1969, the Traditional Latin Mass has always been celebrated all around the world and for all time it has nourished the souls of all the saints.

The priest renews the holy sacrifice of the Cross upon the altar and for thus he offers the sacrifice to God the Father facing the Cross of the Calvary. The Mass is a sacrifice offered to God to adore/worship Him, to thank Him, to do a reparation for our sins and those of the world and to petition him. Silence, reverence and sacredness are the typical characters of the Traditional Latin Mass

The priest says, chants or sings the entire mass in Latin except for the readings and the sermon.

Traditional Latin Mass at Holy Cross Catholic Church in Lavington, Nairobi

Why the TLM?

St. Justin, Martyr (100-165AD) a church father, teaches that the canon of the mass was taught by Christ to the apostles after His resurrection. The infallible Council of Trent also said that the canon of the mass was of apostolic origin. Pope St. Pius V in his bull (Quo Primum) canonised the Latin Mass for all ages with this decree that, “And let Masses not be sung or read in any other formula than that of this missal published by UsJuly 14, 1570.

Thus, traditional Catholics continue to offer the Traditional Latin Mass (Tridentine Mass) in the continuity of the institution made by Christ, the Apostles and especially St. Peter.

Furthermore, the essence of any true religion is sacrifice and so if there is no sacrifice there can be no worship of God and hence no religion.

In his defence for the Catholic Mass, Pope Benedict XVI in his Summorum Pontificum issued on July 7, 2007, said that no one can abolish the Traditional Latin Mass since it is a great treasure for the Church. 

The current Holy father, Pope Francis has encouraged the Society of St. Pius X giving in 2016 the faculty to hear confessions to the priests of our society in his Apostolic Letter Misericordia et Misera and on April 14, 2017, he invited the local bishop to grant juridiction for the celebration of marriages of couples of the SSPX.

Therefore, brethren, standfast: and hold the tradition, which you have learnt, whether by word or by our epistle.

2 Thessalonians 2:15

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This Week's Announcements

Sep 1, 2024 to
Sep 7, 2024
  • Today, Adoration and meeting as usual on the first Sunday of the month.
  • Tomorrow the school will open its doors for a new academic year.
  • Wednesday our seminarians, Kageni and Augustine will fly back to Europe for their second year of seminary. Pray for them.
  • This first Saturday of September we are organizing an event for single ladies, with or without children for spiritual guidance. The event will take place at St Joseph Centre. Please register on the link shared on Social media.
  • Next Sunday we will resume officially our meeting for the fundraising activities for the building of the Church. The project is going on well. We are currently waiting for a visit of a member of the General House in November to get the approval of our project.
  • The Sunday 15th September we will solemnize the feast of Holy Cross. We have decided to do so every year the Sunday after the 14th of September inviting both the school and the church to share tea and mandazi after the High Mass.