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What is the Origin of the Third Order of the SSPX?
Collaboration of the laity with the ministers of Christ is as old as the Church.
"And I commend to you Phebe, our sister, who is in the ministry of the church that is in Cenchrae. That you receive her in the Lord as becometh saints; and that you assist her in whatsoever business she shall have need of you. For she also hath assisted many, and myself also. Salute Prisca and Aquila, my helpers in Christ Jesus."(Rom.16:1-3)
St. Paul often enumerates by name those who help in his apostolate.
The Third Order of the Society of St. Pius X was established in 1981 (January 29, 1981) by Archbishop Lefebvre to "secure for souls living in the world a school of sanctity."
The third order gives the laity a degree of participation in the religious and clergy work in the church and helps in their sanctification. The members partake in the spiritual treasures of the order such as graces and indulgences.
Admittance to the third order requires a discussion with a Priest/Confessor and a formal application. The confessor will determine the fitness of the candidate and his/her intentions. The candidate should also be willing to strictly adhere to the group’s guidelines.
To build up a strong catholic society, there is a need to bring together catholic men who are strong in their faith. With the guidance of their Chaplain, the married men (Sacrament of Matrimony) discuss various church doctrines, Papal encyclicals and use this knowledge to solve the issues facing the men, families and the Church.
Speak with a priest to join the men in the search for the reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the King!
The Prior of our community with assistance of a religious sister guides the Ladies in our parish on monthly sessions where they pray, commune, learn and share much about being a Catholic Woman and Mother.
To join the group, speak to a priest or a sister for directions.
This group was established for the young, single Catholic adults in our parish to not only commune but also grow spiritually. The group focuses on the spiritual aspect by having spiritual conferences (on various topics and Papal Encyclicals under the guidance of the Prior with the assistance of our brother), retreats, works of mercy (e.g Visiting Prisoners), prayers and meditation. Occasionally, the group holds some team building activities such as hiking, Games & Sports and outings. Members also use their different skills and expertise to support the church in various sectors and projects.
Any single, young adult willing can join by simply availing him/herself in one of the meetings.
This group consists of the most energetic and lively people in our parish, and it helps them to keep this zeal and especially for the things of the Good God! The Priest (chaplain) of this group offers spiritual conferences on various topics such as moral theology and Pope's encyclicals to help them become strong Catholics. To keep them intact and forever friends, various activities are held from time to time. These activities which are interesting to these young Catholics include.
Who can join? Catholic youths either in secondary school, college or in the University/ Age group (15-26 years)
The young boys and girls also have something for themselves which they hold as a golden treasure! The young boys are guided in the fun by brother and the pre-seminarians while at the same time young girls are with the sister and the pre-postulants. Throughout the years the boys and girls have different activities such as:
Under the patronage of St. Cecilia, the choir led by their director priest, sings at every High Mass. Occasionally, the choir organises musical concerts in the church which is open for all interested to discover the beauty of sacred music. To attain their goal; singing for the glory of God, they normally meet for practice.
How to Join? Interested Catholics who can sing well and are willing to commit themselves in singing for the glory of God can always speak to the director of St. Cecilia Choir. To all others, however, you are most welcome to discover this great treasure which includes a variety of Gregorian chant and polyphonic music. You can simply pop into one of our musical concerts and have all your wishes satisfied!
This group includes some small and big boys dedicated to the altar and have a great love for the holy sacrifice of the mass. In this service the boys are edified by the example of the priest and stirs in them the zeal of serving Our Lord. The tradition of having boys serve the mass ensures the development of priestly vocations.
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